Dear Colleagues
I am delighted that the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) has the opportunity to work closely with the Japanese Society for the Study of Career Education (JSSCE) to offer an international conference in Tsukuba in September 2015. While the event will be very significant in its own right I also hope that it will be the start of a long and mutually beneficial relationship between IAEVG and JSSCE.
IAEVG was formed over 60 years ago in Paris and for many years was largely a European association whose membership slowly expanded to include North America. Membership gradually extended to some South American countries. For many years this limited geographical spread of member countries was reflected in board membership.
Over the last 15 years IAEVG has further expanded to become truly international, with members in 40 countries and covering all continents (except Antarctica!). In parallel, members of the board come from five continents. In total, IAEVG represents the interests of nearly 19,000 members around the world.
While we may all be at different stages of development of career guidance in our respective countries our aims and commitment to ensuring services are provided to our citizens is universal. By being part of a wider international community we create the opportunity to learn from others and for others to learn from us; to contribute to international debate through IAEVG conferences, webinars, its newsletter, journal and twitter.
I wish you all well in your current career guidance endeavours, whatever your field of interest or specialization may be.
I hope that many of you will come to the Tsukuba conference.
I extend my best wishes to you all.
Lester Oakes
ようこそ! 2015年国際キャリア教育学会日本大会へ
Welcome to the 2015 IAEVG International Conference in Japan!
Tsukuba, Japan on September 18-21, 2015
This is a special early announcement of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) International Conference 2015. The conference theme is "Restructuring Careers Over Unexpected Powerful Forces."
Japan has been recovering from the unexpected powerful forces of nature and the damage from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. The conference will address the restructuring of careers and the sharing of gratitude in the recovery efforts. The conference will promote a wide range of the latest vocational and educational guidance topics, data driven action oriented research, and innovative user friendly practices in career development from early childhood to retirement which are taking place around the world.
The IAEVG Conference will be held in Tsukuba, Japan on September 18-21, 2015. Please mark these dates in your calendar and join your colleagues around the world who will learn, exchange, and share promising research and creative practices in restructuring careers and in career development.
Takao Mimura
Chair Planning Committee of the 2015 IAEVG International Conference
(Dean of Graduate School of Teacher Education, Waseda University)
キャリア教育・進路指導分野の国際的組織であるIAEVG(International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance)の大会を、2015年に本学会主催で開催することとなりました。
日本キャリア教育学会 事務局長 東北福祉大学 中村修
大会ロゴ パズルのピースは震災などの予期せぬ力をあらわし、空いているピースを入れることで再構築、やり直すという意味を込めました。下には波があり、人生の様々な苦難を表しています。波が地球を支えあうようなビジュアルとし、乗り越えていくようなイメージにしました。
ロゴ制作 瀧見奈菜(札幌大谷大学)
International Association for Educational and Vocational
年3回の学術雑誌 International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IJEVG)を発刊し、